All Subscriber Sites Are Unavailable!

All Subscriber Sites Are Unavailable!

If you are a FirstWatch customer and arrived at this page while trying to login to FirstWatch to access your Public Safety data, something has gone wrong, and we’re sorry it’s happened.

We have several layers of redundancy at all times, so if you’ve gotten to this page, it either means something is wrong with all of those layers, OR you’ve been directed here by mistake. Either way, it’s a big deal!

It’s very likely we already know about this, and are working on it, but just in case you are the first person who has discovered this problem, please do us a big favor and report it to us ASAP.

To reach our on-call support team, please:

1) Call our Support line at 1-760-658-9855

2) Press 1 and wait for the beep

3) Leave your

  1. Name
  2. Call back number (slowly please)
  3. Agency
  4. How fast you hope to hear from someone
  5. A brief description of the issue. (You ended up on this page instead of the subscriber site.)

4)  Our on-call person will respond as soon as possible, but usually within 1-2 hours, unless you indicate a longer timeframe is acceptable in your voicemail.

If, for whatever reason, you are unable to reach our on-call person as soon as you need, please do not hesitate to escalate the issue and call:

  • Jim Veskerna, our Director of Customer Care, on his cell phone at (619) 241-3078, or
  • Todd Stout, our President, on his cell phone at (858) 395-1728.

Again, we’re sorry this problem occurred and thank you in advance for letting us know!