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Helping 911 Professionals Law Enforcement      EMS Systems       Fire Departments    Public Health     transform raw data into meaningful information in real-time.

For over 25 years, across hundreds of communities throughout the U.S. and Canada, FirstWatch helps public safety and healthcare professionals solve problems.

Our experienced team uses the data you’re already collecting and makes sense of it, improving situational awareness and operational effectiveness for better outcomes.

Our customized solutions, deep public safety experience and committed customer support team will help take care of your needs so that you can take better care of those in your community.
FirstWatch Team-2023

Six Ways We Strengthen and Support Your Team

Real-Time Data

View CAD, ePCR, ProQA, RMS, and Hospital ED data through your system or our app.

Better Performance

Improve operational and clinical performance by monitoring KPIs and adhering to patient care protocols.

Early Event Detection

Receive alerts for warning signs of chemical, biological or radioactive events and for epidemics or pandemics.

Dynamic Dashboards

See the status of any data set quickly and easily to take action in real time.

Easy Implementation

FirstWatch integrates with your systems, requiring no additional work on your end.

Improved Situational Awareness

Get notifications about suspicious activity, crime trends, arson patterns and other incidents, including activity near high-threat facilities.

Licensed Sites

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10/07/2024 04:00:04 PM
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