
Collaborate - Share, learn, and improve on our community site

With FirstWatch Collaborate it’s easy to discuss ideas, share solutions, explore challenges, and more with FirstWatch customers from across the country. You’ll be able to share files, ask questions, share your expertise and more.

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Ever since our inception 24 years ago, FirstWatch customers have talked with each other, tackled shared problems together, and helped each other improve. Several times a week one of us will be talking with someone about an issue and say, “you should really check out what _______ is doing.” Here are a few recent examples:

  • “You should talk with the folks at ProEMS about how they reduced deaths from opioid overdoses.”
  • “Heath in Tulsa managed to add over 44 unit hours a day to his system for free by decreasing overall task times and building a culture of trust with their crews, we can connect you.”
  • “If you’re hoping to improve your cardiac arrest resuscitation rate, Chief Grayson and the team from Rialto Fire have made dramatic improvement. I’ll introduce you by email.”

Would you like to learn how to add a user, make Excel Pivot tables sing, or build an effective quality improvement system? Check out the learning part of FirstWatch Collaborate! We’ve got a library of videos to help you use FirstWatch more effectively and learn leadership principles. We are continually adding new things!

Please direct questions, comments, or ideas on FirstWatch Collaborate
to Mike Taigman, FirstWatch Improvement Guide; or 510-593-5730