Hospital Status Dashboard
Many communities are constantly challenged with hospital surge issues that tie up emergency units dropping off patients at local hospitals. As hospital turn-around times grow longer, emergency units are unavailable to respond to other emergencies, creating a serious problem.
To solve this problem, FirstWatch developed the Hospital Status Transport Dashboard. The dashboard lists each primary hospital in the area, showing how many units are currently en-route to, or at each facility. Additionally, the dashboard provides: count of units transporting to and arrived at each hospital; average elapsed time and maximum time at hospital; visual warnings; by hospital / pre-defined counts and time thresholds; summary and detailed view of each hospital; custom sorting by hospital, allowing each hospital to see transports & times.
The Result? Improved care to patients, and faster turn-around times for emergency units.
Dashboard Features
Count of units transporting to and arrived at each hospital
Visual warnings by hospital and pre-defined counts and time thresholds
Custom sorting by hospital
Average elapsed and maximum elapsed time at hospital
Summary and detail views of local and regional hospitals (with their participation)
Integrates with a variety of data sources
Available as an add-on feature to the Hospital Status Transport Dashboard, the Transfer of Care module is a web enabled system that records and tracks the transfer and acceptance of a patient to the Emergency Department. In addition to capturing the date and time stamp for the transfer of care at each facility, the TOC tool can be configured to capture delay reasons over a user defined threshold. Primary TOC triggers are able to monitor facilities overall performance, while sub TOC triggers available to monitor individual performance. An Excel exporting feature allows for further analysis at both the overall and individual level.