Kevin Lee

Kevin Lee

Director of Engineering


When it comes to digging in and solving technical issues or developing new software that expands what FirstWatch can offer customers, Kevin Lee is the right one for the job. As Director of Engineering, he is often called on to figure out coding questions or to figure out ways to continually improve the quality of the FirstWatch system.

Kevin earned his BS in Electrical Engineering from the University of Toledo in Ohio. A native of Singapore, he quickly fell in love with the wide-open spaces and, yes, even the chilly weather. He returned to Singapore briefly after college, but decided he missed the United States. He earned his Master’s in Computer Science from the University of Nevada, Reno, and since then has made the U.S. his adopted home. He held positions as Director of R&D and Director of Operations for other technology companies, including a major public safety software company, before joining FirstWatch in 2008.

When he’s not building software solutions, Kevin likes to take things apart–TVs, computers, printers, radios and iPods. If an electronic device breaks, Kevin won’t just throw it away. Instead, he’ll scour the Internet, search for parts, tinker with it and enjoy getting zapped occasionally (not really, he often gets the thing working again).

“Dedicated and caring, Kevin is an experienced technology expert and manager who possesses a broad spectrum of skills and provides excellent insights all the time. Always think of the user’s needs when developing new software.”
– Ed Chiu, Vice President, Engineering