Missing ePCR Info

Missing ePCR Info

Portfolio Description
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  • July 12, 2014

Richmond Ambulance Authority (RAA) became the second ever EMS agency to implement the FirstWatch system in September of 2002. A long time customer and leader in EMS innovation, RAA is a forward thinking agency that looks to use the latest technologies available to improve patient quality of care in their community. Richmond Ambulance Authority strives to provide its community with clinical excellence, while ensuring response time reliability and fiscal responsibility. With one of the highest call volume per capitas in the United States, RAA covers just 62 square miles with a popuation of 200,000 and responds to over 51,000 calls per year. RAA is one of only eleven systems in the United States that has received accreditation from both the National Commission on Accreditation of Ambulance Services (CAAS) and the National Acade my of Emergency Dispatch (NAED). These accreditations are considered by many to be the “gold standard” for ambulance services, certifying distinction for quality patient care and ambulance operations.

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