911 Centers

SNOPAC 911 Communications Center on Watch

To ensure that police, fire and emergency medical services in Snohomish County have their fingers on the pulse of the community, the SNOPAC 9-1-1 has deployed FirstWatch to monitor in real-time the roughly 1,500 calls they dispatch each day (more than 600,000 calls in 2013).

How Technology Keeps New Orleans Alert In Real Time

Download PDF (JEMS, May MCI Issue, 2013) To monitor health-related threats, New Orleans turned to the FirstWatch Realtime Situational Awareness System, which is used by systems throughout the world. The sophisticated system tracks information entered into computer-aided dispatch (CAD) systems in real-time, and immediately sends an alert via email or text message to designated public health and safety officials if it detects certain symptoms or trends of concern.  

High Anxiety: National Security Events Take Collaboration, Planning

The Democratic and Republican National Conventions are two of the United States’ most important and highest stakes gatherings. As thousands of elected officials, delegates, and media representatives descended on the respective host cities, public health and safety officials from the local, state, and federal levels worked with FirstWatch to prepare for threats—manmade or natural—that could disrupt the events.

More 911 Centers Are Using Real-Time Data to Improve Performance

(The Journal of Emergency Dispatch, 2012) By Jenifer Goodwin Last year Thomas McEntee, general manager for American Medical Response (AMR) in Riverside, Calif., was looking for ways to improve response times in his service area, which encompasses some 5,500 square miles and just under 2 million people. "When we started to drill down and look at each individual time interval and where there were opportunities for us to save a few seconds here or there, one area we decided to focus on was...

Pandemic Flu and 9-1-1

Download PDF (Emergency Number Professional Magazine, Jan/Feb 2008)As a vital link to the public, and to the local public safety entities, 9-1-1 centers will play a central role in any local or regional pandemic flu strategy.