Public Health


Download PDF The Beijing Center for disease control announced yesterday they had found an additional case of H7N9 in a six-year-old boy. Saudi Arabia announced that they had identified five more cases of MERS-CoV yesterday while Agence France Presse (AFP) reported the death of a 65-year-old man infected with the MERS-CoV. Recommendations for EMS do not change.

Read the Latest, Novel Viruses H7N9 and MERS-CoV

Download PDF The GlobalTimes reported today that China has downgraded the response to H7N9. There continues to be no evidence of human-to-human transmission. Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome – Coronavirus has now unofficially entered an eighth country with news coming from the Kuwait News Agency of potential victims in Tunisia. To date there have been no reports of either of these viruses in the US, and the risk of human to human exposure is very low. However, EMS...

High Anxiety: National Security Events Take Collaboration, Planning

The Democratic and Republican National Conventions are two of the United States’ most important and highest stakes gatherings. As thousands of elected officials, delegates, and media representatives descended on the respective host cities, public health and safety officials from the local, state, and federal levels worked with FirstWatch to prepare for threats—manmade or natural—that could disrupt the events.

Pandemic Flu and 9-1-1

Download PDF (Emergency Number Professional Magazine, Jan/Feb 2008)As a vital link to the public, and to the local public safety entities, 9-1-1 centers will play a central role in any local or regional pandemic flu strategy.

High-Tech Tool Warns of Flu Outbreaks

Download PDF (USA Today, Nov 2003) High- tech tool warns of flu outbreaks OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — A high-tech tool designed to warn of bioterror attacks is helping to pinpoint influenza outbreaks in Oklahoma City and Tulsa. The FirstWatch system used by the Emergency Medical Services Authority scans 911 calls and gathers information about the medical symptoms of emergency patients. The computer software has identified clusters of flu activity in Oklahoma s two largest cities from calls to EMSA dispatch centers....