Tag - EMS

Paramedic Chiefs of Canada – Burnout in EMS: An Evidence-Based Organizational Approach

The negative consequences of burnout in EMS stretch well-beyond the individual and can affect entire organizations as well as the patients served. Nevertheless, most traditional interventions aimed to reduce burnout focus on the individual and fail to address the underlying systematic causes. In this session, Dr. Remle Crowe reviews the latest research and presents organizational-level strategies to meaningfully reduce and prevent burnout at your EMS agency.

Pinnacle Webinar Series: Meaningful Improvement Using Data

Every EMS system has some “quality” function, yet very few have actually made anything better. During this interactive session, you’ll learn to use run charts and control charts, accurately analyze your performance data, and how to use it to make improvements that matter to your patients, your employees, and your organization.

NAEMSP® Year Long Quality Improvement and Safety Course

NAEMSP® is committed to developing and nurturing the next generation of clinical quality and patient safety leaders in the EMS community. NAEMSP®’s Quality and Safety year-long course provides EMS physicians and quality improvement leaders with the knowledge and skills necessary to lead quality improvement and patient safety initiatives in their region, system, or agency. Participants will develop an in-depth understanding of how to apply tools and strategies of quality improvement to their local needs to affect the care of patients....

At Issue with the Paramedic Chiefs of Canada – A panel discussion on the current state of the Paramedic Workforce

While not isolated to the healthcare profession, pressures from the Paramedic Workforce are trending as one of the biggest issues for Paramedic Services (EMS) across Canada. From a noticeable increase in retirements, resignations, burn-out, low graduation rates to the challenges of the NEXT Generation labor force, health and wellness and work-life balances, there are growing pressures on how to address the dynamic environment of recruitment and retention in the Paramedic Workforce.

Partnering with Hospitals: Solving Offload Problems Together

Recent Tweets: “36 ambulances were stacked outside the hospital last night with crews forced to swap oxygen cylinders with each other as they ran out.” “It used to be we had 50 patients in the emergency department on handover; now we have 180. Last night 60% of patients had been in the ED more than 12 hours, some more than 40.” We are frustrated with wall time and diversions. Our hospital partners are understaffed and overwhelmed. There are no easy...

Updates for Seasonal Influenza (Flu) for 2022–2023

After a couple of Flu Seasons that were extraordinarily mild, Seasonal Flu is back with a vengeance. It’s starting early and all indications point to a very active Season.  The FirstWatch Intelligence Page (HIP) has updated Flu Resources, both in written documents, as well as links to outside resources for quick reference. Hopefully, these resources, as well as Weekly Flu Summaries of Flu Activity for the US and Canada, as well as globally, will help navigate this Flu season for your...

Be Careful with Fentanyl but Don’t Be Afraid to Treat

The Media, and now TV shows & movies, are representing any response from First Responders (EMS, Fire, Law Enforcement) as at risk for their own overdoses, should they even be in proximity to fentanyl.  This is partly due to the fact that there are reports of First Responders becoming symptomatic when on the scene where fentanyl is suspected or found, sometimes delaying critical patient care. This article looks at the current literature and expert guidance to explore the actual continuum of...

Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Resources for First Responders

There has been increased concern about both domestic and international terrorism throughout the world. There are also natural disasters and accidental events, such as chemical releases or theft/loss of radioactive isotopes from construction sites or hospitals, occurring all around the country. One thing is clear, First Responders are almost always going to be first in on any of these incidents, except for those on the scene as the incident is occurring, looking for help. First Responders can, with the correct training,...

Ebola (Sudan strain) Outbreak in Uganda

Uganda announced that they had an outbreak of Ebola, caused by the rarer Sudan viral strain on Sept 20, 2022.  Although the rate of new cases has slowed, there is still concern since there are no treatments, other than supportive care for this strain, and the vaccine, used in previous Zaire-strain outbreaks, is not effective on the Sudan strain.  Also, the counties affected are in an area with good roads & close to the capital as well as the DRC,...

Leadership in Turbulent Times

Recording coming soon. Most leadership systems in Emergency Services draw structure, rank, and practices from the military. Our approach to quality management tends to come from industry. Are our notions outdated? How is leadership actually practiced in the U.S. Military and industry? What can we apply to our own organizations as we face turbulent times? We explore these topics and more.