
Lexipol Webinar – Serving Amid Chaos: Taking Care of Your Community, Your Colleagues & Yourself

The events of the past several months have shaken the core of law enforcement, leaving many officers questioning their roles and even their career choice. The main threats facing officers used to be violent criminals, roadway operations and personal health risks. Today, the public, the media, bosses, elected officials and even family and friends can seem to pose a threat. How do you deal with the deluge of opinion, anger and confusion and still serve your mission? Law enforcement officers can’t...

Upgrade Your Life Podcast with Del Denney – Super Charge Your Stress Management in the Age of Covid-19 | A Conversation with Mike Taigman

As a popular educator and author for several decades, Mike has focused on helping folks in emergency medical services take better care of themselves so they can take better care of their patients and communities. In this podcast, Mike shares strategies and discusses his new book Super Charge Your Stress Management in the Age of COVID-19.

Pinnacle Webinar Series – The Importance of Staying Connected While Practicing Physical Distancing: A Key Resilience Competency

Collaboration and relationships are a key component of resilience. The physical distancing required to slow the spread of COVID-19 and flatten the curve has moved us towards creative ways to be connected, from Zoom hugs to virtual happy hours. During this interactive session, we will discuss the science behind the importance of relationships and ways to keep this aspect of our world alive without sharing the virus. Presented by FirstWatch Improvement Guide, Mike Taigman.

First Responders, Stress Management and Coronavirus – April 2nd | Recording and Resources

How to take care of yourself and your family during this crisis Coronavirus transformed our lives nearly overnight. Suddenly, we’re bombarded with messages: Stay home, shelter in place, avoid sick people, flatten the curve, not enough ventilators, you may be a carrier for days without symptoms. It’s no wonder people all over the world have a higher collective stress level than any time in modern history. And if you work in emergency services, you can’t stay home or avoid sick people. The extra layers...

Paramedic Chiefs of Canada Webinar: Advancing Despite Adversity

There’s no question that increasing resilience for ourselves and our colleagues has amazing benefits. It increases the ability to achieve big goals, improves the quality of relationships while protecting against depression, anxiety, and PTSD. The question is, what actually makes up resilience and how can it be developed effectively? During this session we interviewed Jurie Rossouw an Australian neuroscientist who is revolutionizing how we think about resilience. Click here to view the recording. Click here for a pdf of the...

ResilientFirst™ Webinar: Keeping Your Cool

The ability to manage your emotions in the middle of a stressful situation is a hallmark of advanced resilience. During this webinar we explored the neuroscience behind emotions and learn tips, tricks, and strategies that you can use to develop your “cool” in any situation. Presented by FirstWatch Improvement Guide, Mike Taigman.

Building Your Resilience with Vision and Purpose

Building a resilient mind, body, and life requires several interconnected skills. Many neuroscientists believe that the ability to set and work toward a clear vision is the foundation on which all the others sit. The ResilientFirst system helps you develop the skills to set clear visions and achieve your goals. In this session FIrstWatch Improvement Guide, Mike Taigman will introduce the power of visioning for yourself and your organization. You’ll learn the five key questions that all leaders need answer...