ResilientFirst™ Webinar: Keeping Your Cool

First responder and the ResilientFirst app coming out of a phone, resilience

ResilientFirst™ Webinar: Keeping Your Cool

The ability to manage your emotions in the middle of a stressful situation is a hallmark of advanced resilience. During this webinar we explored the neuroscience behind emotions and learn tips, tricks, and strategies that you can use to develop your “cool” in any situation. Presented by FirstWatch Improvement Guide, Mike Taigman.

Mentioned during the Webinar:

EMS1 Article – Elbow Bumps are the New Hugs:

4th Webinar in a Series – COVID-19 EMS Patient Management: Myth vs. Reality:
This joint webinar is presented by Academy of International Mobile Healthcare Integration (AIMHI), National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT), the California Ambulance Association (CAA), Paramedic Chiefs of Canada (PCC), the International Academies of Emergency Dispatch (IAED), and FirstWatch.

Other COVID-19 webinars are on FirstWatch Health Intelligence page in the COVID-19 Section:

Mindsight by Daniel J. Siegel:
Aware by Daniel J. Siegel:

Working with Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman:
Altered Traits by Daniel Goleman & Richard J. Davidson:

Executive Resilience: Neuroscience for the Business of Disruption by Jurie G. Rossouw:

Webinar Date: March 12, 2020 | Recording Available

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