
Measles in the US & Results of a Human Study on Measles that Warrants Exploring

Measles Update: As 2019 winds down in just a little over a week, there were less cases (8) in November 2019, than in any previous month in 2019 except September, which had 6 cases; October had 13.  It is still too early to report December’s numbers since reporting & recording to the CDC is only through Dec 5 at this time, but there are currently no reported cases for December.  Those numbers, as well as the total for the entire 2019...

Measles (Rubeola) Update

IN THE NEWS Finally, after a year, almost all the news about measles is good.  Case numbers were way down in September compared to previous months, the outbreaks in New York City and State, which provided three-quarters of all the cases in 2018 and 2019, were declared over just days shy of their one-year anniversary and, because of that, the United States will likely maintain their WHO Measles Elimination status of 19 years. Unfortunately, a new outbreak in New York State...

EMS/First Responder Application of the CDC Measles Recommendations

The CDC has recently published a new document called Interim Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations Guidance for Measles in Healthcare Settings (7/19).  It is a comprehensive document aimed at a person who provides health care to individuals who may have measles.  It basically provides the framework to plan and develop policies and procedures for, as well as apply definitions and evidence-based care, to both a suspected or known case of measles. It further provides for the protection of First Responders...

Measles Outbreak Update with a Link to New Recommendations for Health Care Personnel

IN THE NEWS Measles: According to the CDC, from January 1 through July 25, 2019, there have been 1164 confirmed cases of measles in 30 states.  This is the largest number of cases tallied in the past 27 years (1992), and that was 8 years BEFORE measles was considered eradicated from the U.S (2002). More information from the CDC with a map, charts, and specific outbreak info/links can be found at: There are currently 5 ongoing outbreaks (3 or more...

U.S. Measles Cases number over 1000 in 2019

According to the CDC, another measles milestone has been reached and, as of 6/6/19, there were 1,022 confirmed cases of measles in 28 of the 50 states.  This is the largest number of cases tallied in the past 27 years (1992), and that was 8 years BEFORE measles was considered eradicated from the U.S (2002).  Refer to the CDC Map and Chart located on the 2nd page of this document. There are currently ongoing outbreaks (3 or more cases in a...

Measles (Rubeola) in Multiple States in the United States

The Data:* According to the CDC, from January 1st through May 24, 2019, there have been 940 confirmed cases of measles in 26 states within the U.S.A. (compared to 127 cases as of February 14, 2019), with an increase of 60 cases in just the past week.  This jettisons this year’s cases to the highest number since the decade before (1994) Measles was considered eradicated, which was 2000. There are currently 10 outbreaks of Measles located in seven (7) states: multiple...

Measles (Rubeola) in Multiple States in the United States – 5/27/19

IN THE NEWS The Data: According to the CDC, from January 1st through May 24, 2019, there have been 940 confirmed cases of measles in 26 states within the U.S.A. (compared to 127 cases as of February 14, 2019), with an increase of 60 cases in just the past week.  This jettisons this year’s cases to the highest number since the decade before (1994) Measles was considered eradicated, which was 2000. There are currently 10 outbreaks of Measles located in seven (7)...

Measles (Rubeola) in Multiple States in the United States

IN THE NEWS According to the CDC, from January 1st through April 19, 2019, there have been 626 confirmed cases of measles in 22 states in the U.S.A. (compared to 127 cases as of February 14, 2019), with an increase of 71 cases just in one week.  This jettisons this year’s cases to the second highest since Measles was considered eliminated in 2000, with 2014 only slightly ahead with a total of 667 cases for that complete year vs. this year’s...

Measles Cases Continue to Escalate throughout 15 States in the U. S.

IN THE NEWS According to the CDC, in the nearly 11 weeks from Jan 1st until Mar 14, 2019, there have been 268 confirmed cases of measles throughout 15 states (compared to 127 cases in 10 states a month ago). However, since then, individual counties have posted an increase in cases as of March 19, so the number is actually a little higher now.   It is not considered an outbreak until there are three or more cases in an area; less than...

Outbreaks/Emerging Diseases:  MEASLES (Rubeola)

Although Measles was declared eradicated in 2000 within the United States, there have been individual cases of measles reported in most years, mostly as outbreaks (3 or more confirmed cases in one area).  2014 had the highest number of cases with 667, followed with preliminary data from 2018 of 372 cases, as a result of 17 outbreaks.  Other years had lower levels of measles cases but numbering over 100 (in 2008, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2017).  According to the...

Measles (Rubeola) in Multiple States in the United States

IN THE NEWS According to the CDC, in the seven (7) weeks since January 1st through February 14, 2019, there have been 127 confirmed cases of measles throughout ten (10) states in the United States.  However, since then, individual counties have indicated an increase in cases as of Feb 18, so the number is actually higher now.   There are currently five (5) outbreaks of Measles located in four (4) states:  multiple areas of New York State (Rockland County, Monroe Country and...