Paramedic Chiefs of Canada

Paramedic Chiefs of Canada – The Preburn Project: Preventing Burnout by Predicting Compromised Wellness in EMS Workers

Join us for an in-depth exploration of the innovative Preburn Project: Preventing Burnout by Predicting Compromised Wellness in EMS Workers. This session is designed for EMS directors, EMS administrators, paramedics, dispatchers, mental health professionals and researchers who are committed to improving the well-being of frontline EMS workers.

Paramedic Chiefs of Canada – Paramedicine, mental health, and crisis calls in the community: Highlights for leadership

In this session, we will consider some of the current research and evidence with respect to what paramedic leaders need to know and what they can do to implement evidence-informed improvements. An evidence-informed framework for crisis care will be shared, along with areas for potential practice change. Areas for practice change include alternative care options (outside of ED), response team approaches, community paramedicine, and post-care follow up. Finally, identification of which mental health-related continuing medical education and training is pertinent, including recommendations for continuing education going forward.

Paramedic Chiefs of Canada – Burnout in EMS: An Evidence-Based Organizational Approach

The negative consequences of burnout in EMS stretch well-beyond the individual and can affect entire organizations as well as the patients served. Nevertheless, most traditional interventions aimed to reduce burnout focus on the individual and fail to address the underlying systematic causes. In this session, Dr. Remle Crowe reviews the latest research and presents organizational-level strategies to meaningfully reduce and prevent burnout at your EMS agency.

At Issue with the Paramedic Chiefs of Canada – A panel discussion on the current state of the Paramedic Workforce

While not isolated to the healthcare profession, pressures from the Paramedic Workforce are trending as one of the biggest issues for Paramedic Services (EMS) across Canada. From a noticeable increase in retirements, resignations, burn-out, low graduation rates to the challenges of the NEXT Generation labor force, health and wellness and work-life balances, there are growing pressures on how to address the dynamic environment of recruitment and retention in the Paramedic Workforce.

Paramedic Chiefs of Canada White Paper: Discussion on 10 Guiding Principles for Paramedicine in Canada | February 4th

In this session, we presented the results of research study that has led to the generation of 10 guiding principles for paramedicine in Canada to consider in structuring the profession’s transition and evolution. Collectively, these principles provide a national coordinated vision and guidance on how to proceed within paramedicine in Canada, while permitting enactment in ways that are sensitive to local and contextual variation.

Paramedic Chiefs of Canada – Revolutionizing EMS: New Models of Care to Address Changing Health Care Needs in the Age of COVID | January 21st

Across Canada, access to appropriate health care is an ongoing challenge, and pressures within our health care system – wait times, hospital overcrowding, patient backlog – have only been intensified by the COVID-19 pandemic. To address these challenges, integrated primary health care teams across the country are working to help patients receive the care they need in their homes and communities, where they are often happiest and healthiest.

Paramedic Chiefs of Canada – Developing a National Paramedic Workplace Violence Prevention Framework | December 3rd

The presentation provides an overview of research conducted from January to September, 2020. This study focused on frontline Paramedics and leaders across all Canadian provinces to determine what was working well in workplace violence prevention and how that might inform the development of a national WVPF and strategic issues agenda as a springboard for future research.

Paramedic Chiefs of Canada – Building Community Paramedicine into the Canadian Healthcare Landscape: An Economic Analysis of ‘Community Paramedicine at Clinic’ (CP@clinic) from the Paramedic Service Perspective | November 19th

In this presentation, Dr. Agarwal presented a recent economic analysis from the paramedic service perspective demonstrating the potential impact CP@clinic can have for paramedic services. The cost-benefit analysis was discussed in detail, and implications for paramedic services discussed.

Paramedic Chiefs of Canada – Leadership Strategies for Creating Low Stress High Resilience Organizations | October 29th | Recording and Handout

Providing EMS can be inherently stressful. Unfortunately, there are a lot of accidental, unnecessary, artificially created sources of stress that make the experience of working in EMS harder than it needs to be.  In this session, we will explore (and shred) many traditional management practices that cause stress with little or no organizational benefit.

Paramedic Chiefs of Canada – 16th COVID-19 Webinar – The Epicenter: Contemplations on EMS Crisis Standards of Care – September 24th | Recording and Handout

New York City was the epicenter for COVID-19 during March and April 2020.  Amid the overwhelming case load and mortality associated with COVID burdening our health system leaders and frontline providers in EMS were forced to make life and death decisions, often with too little time and too little information.  Dr. Redlener discussed the challenges faced and how we can be better prepared should we face another pandemic surge.

Paramedic Chiefs of Canada – 15th COVID-19 Webinar – EMS Performance in Times of COVID-19: Montreal’s Experience – August 20th | Recording and Handout

Montreal was one of the regions hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada. As the situation progressed, Urgences-santé had to adapt and innovate in order to face this new reality. With the shut down of several links in the prehospital survival chain, the paramedics were left alone to face this invisible enemy.

Acute Inflammatory Illness in Children Temporally Linked to COVID-19 aka Multi Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C)

GOAL:  Awareness of the Syndrome, early identification of its signs that can be recognized by parents/caregivers, EMS systems, and other first responders, with transport to an appropriate hospital for further evaluation & care.  Background:  Two labels for one scary syndrome.  The first one is from the WHO and the second one is from the CDC for the U.S.  The “temporally linked” to COVID is important since no one is sure yet that COVID-19 and this syndrome are cause and effect,...

Websites for Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children

United States: CDC Health Advisory from the Health Alert Network: CDC MIS-C for Parents: CDC COVID and MIC-C Information for Healthcare Providers: Medscape Video & Article on MIS-C in Kids:  What Do We Know? Canada:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                CPSP/PCSP Public Health Alert for Acute Inflammatory Illness in Children…. : CPSP Website for COVID-19 in hospitalized children and non-hospitalized children with chronic co-morbid conditions:  The Provincial Council for Maternal & Child Health (PCMCH) & Kids...

Paramedic Chiefs of Canada – COVID-19 Webinar – A National Conversation: Part 8 – Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C) Associated with COVID-19 – May 28th | Recording and Handouts

A new syndrome, now named MIS-C, has been identified in multiple countries in the past few weeks which seems to be associated with COVID-19 infection, even if COVID was asymptomatic or unrecognized. It manifests itself as a Kawasaki-like illness and/or as Toxic Shock-Like Syndrome.