Paramedics Chiefs of Canada: Paramedics and Palliative Care | April 29th
Resources mentioned during webinar:
Assess See Treat and Refer (ASTaR) – Webinar #1
BCEHS Assess, See, Treat and Refer ASTAR Palliative Clinical Pathway – Webinar #2 (music video)
Paramedic services have experienced a steadily increasing demand from palliative patients accessing 911 during times of acute crisis, and not wishing subsequent conveyance to ED. Early data indicates that many of these patients are NOT already connected to palliative care teams, wish to remain in their homes and require symptom management.
To address this demand and to connect patients to care, BCEHS introduced the Assess, See, Treat and Refer (ASTAR)-Palliative Clinical Pathway. Objectives are to improve patient care through a reduction in conveyance to ED, reduce hospitalizations and reduce patient risk through an automated referral process.
Leon Baranowski is the Interim Director of Clinical and professional practice at BCEHS. He is an advanced care paramedic and previously practiced in the UK with lower acuity pathways and referral systems. He is a fierce advocate of developing new models of care within health organizations that ensure team based and integrated care. Assess, See, Treat and Refer is the now and the future for paramedicine in Canada.
Michelle Brittain is a project manager at BC Emergency Health Services in British Columbia, Canada. She has been instrumental in the planning, delivery, and ongoing development of the Community Paramedicine program across the province, and leads the Paramedics & Palliative Care initiative which has seen innovative practices developed and changes to care delivery within BC. Her background includes information technology, instructor development and health unit coordination.
Jennie Helmer is the Research Lead and a Paramedic Practice Leader at BCEHS. She is an Advanced Care Paramedic and previously worked as a Unit Chief and Paramedic Specialist. She has been the steward of various exciting initiatives including the implementation of the Cardiac Arrest Registry, the Assess, See, Treat and Refer clinical pathways, and the Collaborative Heart Attack Management Program. She is currently pursuing her PhD at UBC in the School of Population and Public Health, and has published and co-researched a number of articles exploring the pre-hospital environment and paramedic approaches to care.
For further information visit
Webinar Date: April 29, 2021 | Recording Available