FirstWatch at ESO Wave 2023

FirstWatch at ESO Wave 2023

April 11-14

Lots of ESO customers use FirstPass to make meaningful improvements in the clinical care they provide.

Join us for our FirstWatch User Meeting – Open to Everyone

Wednesday, April 12th at 3:00pm–5:00pm CT
JW Marriott Ballroom 1

(See our full schedule below.)

Come see us at booth #107 at ESO Wave for a Clinical QI overview using ESO data.

Please call or text if you have any questions.

Todd Stout, Founder & President | 858-395-1728 |
Mike Taigman, Improvement Guide | 510-593-5730 |
Terry Fitch, Director of Sales | 858 444-0622 |
Crawford Coates, Head of Marketing | 619-961-5884 |
Sally Olson-Nelson, Regional Manager | 760-658-9867 |
Dave Amaya, Regional Manager | 913-244-9445 |
Darlene Davis, Sr. Data Analyst | 858-733-1609 |
Daniel Brown, Solutions Specialist – Reports | 559-643-9528 |
Carlynn C. Crampton, Engagement Strategist | 385-243-4697 |
Todd Blevins, Clinical Specialist | 619-990-2686 |

View/download our handouts

FirstWatch Handout-2023 Thumbnail


FirstPass-2023 Thumbnail


IDV FAQs 2023 Thumbnail

Interactive Data Visualization (IDV) FAQs

FirstWatch Fire 2023 Thumbnail

FirstWatch Fire

Academy Analytics 12-Pager Thumbnail

Academy Analytics

Helping MORE Helpers Thumbnail

Helping More Helpers

FOAM FAQs 2023 Thumbnail

Fire Operations Accreditation/Analytics
Module (FOAM) FAQs

Sessions and the FirstWatch User Meeting

Wednesday, April 12

FirstWatch User Meeting – Open to Everyone

3:00pm–5:00pm CT
JW Ballroom #1, 4th Floor
Todd Stout | Mike Taigman, MA

FirstWatch and ESO share some of the coolest customers on the planet. They are coming up with new ways to use data to improve the care they provide to patients, deal with staffing issues, deal with ambulance “wall time” problems, implement community paramedic programs, and much more. Inspired by their requests and innovative ideas, our team is constantly creating new triggers, enhancing performance, and inventing new ways to help EMS systems care for their communities, their employees, and the health of their organization. Please join our gaggle of FirstWatch teammates and customers to learn what’s new, swipe cool ideas from each other, and contribute your desires to what we will create in the future. We welcome anyone and everyone to this engaging session!

Thursday, April 13

11:00am-11:45am CT
This Would be Easy if There Were No People Involved
Room 303 / 304
Mike Taigman, Improvement Guide, FirstWatch

“The only person who likes change is a wet baby.” Roy Z-M Blitzer

Almost every improvement, innovation, software change, and problem fix require someone to do something different. During this interactive session, you’ll dive deeply into neuropsychology, organizational culture, and community reaction to change. You’ll learn specific strategies to deal with employee resistance, emotionally hijacked politicians, investigative news reporters, and more.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the neuropsychology of threat.
  • Understand the importance of active listening.
  • Describe anticipatory empathy.
  • Understand how to manage their own emotions related to change.

CE: Trauma Registry (ATS) and California Board of Nursing (Trauma Analytics). See agenda page for details.

1:15pm-2:00pm CT
Statistical Duckery (dang autocorrect!)
Room 303 / 304
Dr. Remle Crowe PhD, NREMT, Director of Clinical and Operational Research ESO
Mike Taigman, Improvement Guide, FirstWatch

Mark Twain said, “There are lies, damn lies, and statistics.” Do provocative headlines seduce you? When you see one of the hundreds of charts and graphs, you’re exposed to daily do you trust what it says? Between news sites, performance reports, and conference presentations, Statistical Duckery can easily lead you astray. In this highly interactive session, you’ll learn the tips, tricks, and traps to keep you on the right track.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the value of displaying data over time.
  • Explain how manipulation of the y-axis can lead to misinterpretation.
  • Identify the problems with pie charts.
  • Identify random and non-random variations.

CE: Trauma Registry (ATS) and California Board of Nursing (Trauma Analytics). See agenda page for details.

ESO Exhibit Map