EMS-specific Information on Emerging Health Issues
This page was last updated on November 21, 2018.
Contains resources related to awareness and mitigation of opioids & overdoses in response to this nationwide but often local crisis.
A quick briefing on outbreaks and other public health-related items in the news or reported via public health outlets.
Provides info on upcoming & current seasonal flu(s) & reported influenza-like illness (ILI), using reports from various public health, government & other resources.
Seasonal Influenza Resources
January 10, 2018
A listing & description of outbreaks of disease, novel viruses, epidemics, or other infections that
are making humans sick, even in small numbers. There may be overlap with In the News & Pandemics.
Info & Resources related to the threat or presence of a Pandemic. Pandemics pose a risk to the entire world.
Contains info & resources to assist in providing for employee safety whether during standard operations or in planning for or responding to disasters.
Download this eBook from EMS1.com – Examine Your EMS Agency’s Safety Culture to IMPROVE PATIENT OUTCOMES
October 30, 2018
Suicide Awareness & Prevention for First Responders
August 22, 2018
Heat Stress/Illness and Smoke/Toxic Inhalation for First Responders
August 23, 2018
Street Survival Videos
May 8, 2018
The information contained on this site is provided under the direction of our medical advisors by First-Watch as a service to all interested First Responders and Public Health Providers. Posts will summarize content for informational purposes; some will also include implications for First Responders. Links to sites that provide more detailed information and/or helpful resources will often be included. The most recent events will be at the top of the section.
These updates are provided by Pam Farber, RN, EMT-P using data from various public health, government, academic and other resources and include links to the source information, for those wishing more detail.
Join Our Regional Influenza Network
The FirstWatch Regional Influenza Network (or simply, RIN) uses FirstWatch Real-Time surveillance software to automatically monitor live data in 911 (EMS, Fire and Police) computer-aided dispatch (CAD) systems, watching for increases in complaints or symptoms that are consistent with the flu, including respiratory problems, abdominal pain, headache, fever, and other indicators associated with the flu, whether they appear in geographic clusters or across the entire population being monitored.