Keeping Your Employees Safe

Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Resources for First Responders

There has been increased concern about both domestic and international terrorism throughout the world. There are also natural disasters and accidental events, such as chemical releases or theft/loss of radioactive isotopes from construction sites or hospitals, occurring all around the country. One thing is clear, First Responders are almost always going to be first in on any of these incidents, except for those on the scene as the incident is occurring, looking for help. First Responders can, with the correct training,...

Health Canada Issues an Advisory/Recall for Face Masks Containing Graphene

Health Canada published an Advisory to warn Canadians (the general public, healthcare professionals and hospitals) to NOT wear face masks that contain Graphene or Biomass Graphene until further notice. The warning explains the concern that wearers of these masks may inhale graphene particles from some masks that could pose health risks, including pulmonary injury.  Graphene is a fairly new nanotechnology, particularly when it comes to face masks, so a small introduction to the technology with regards to human health is included. 

1st CDC Guidance for Those Fully Vaccinated Against COVID-19

The CDC has issued its first Guidance for those who are considered fully vaccinated against COVID-19.  The definition of fully vaccinated depends on which vaccine was administered, but is two weeks after the final shot; so two weeks after shot #2 for mRNA vaccines Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna and two weeks after for the single shot adenovirus vaccine Janssen/J & J.  The CDC outlines what those that are fully vaccinated should do, and under what circumstances, while also outlining what should...

Ebola in Guinea & the DRC Update

There are now two separate Ebola Outbreaks in Africa; one is in the DRC and the other is in Guinea. Guinea, in West Africa is where the Ebola Epidemic of 2014-2016 occurred, which spread to countries in and out of Africa, including the United States. The last Ebola Outbreak in the DRC just ended 11/20 after 5 months. In an abundance of caution, the US Government has vowed to assist the WHO and other Partner Agencies with stopping the current outbreaks...

List of Employer & Employee COVID-19 Resources for the General Workplace & Specific Occupations

This list of Resources with links is provides In an attempt to make this updated info available more quickly, this document provides a list, divided into topics, each with links and a synopsis of what each site represents.  There are way too many available articles/sites to include them all, so these pages represent some of what I perceive are the best on the subject, at least at the moment selected.  Most of the sites also provide links to other sites...

Dept of Homeland Security National Terrorism Bulletin

The US DHS has released a Terrorism Advisory Bulletin to alert all people of a need to be aware of their surrounding and report any suspicious information or activity. It is included here, for Public Safety / First Responder Agencies, who may not be part of a direct intel sharing system.  It also includes a few ways that the Bulletin can be used by these agencies as well as information on how to report the info/activity. View/Download...

SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Vaccine Update

SARS-CoV-2 Vaccinations to protect against COVID-19 have begun in the United States.  This article supplies some FAQs with subsequent discussion intended to help each individual come to their own personal choice on COVID-19 Vaccination based on sound information.  This same info can provide an opening for an agency to plan their approach to determining how COVID-19 Vaccinations fit into their Agency and Operational Plan. There is also a list of Resources & Links with supporting materials divided into easy to identify...

CDC Guidance for Managing the Holidays during COVID-19

The CDC published Guidelines intended to help individuals & families make the best and safest choices for themselves while celebrating the upcoming holidays. Most of the guidance is applicable to other situations and timeframes too. First Responders have two families, a traditional one and a work one, with many share living quarters during their shift.  As essential/front line workers, First Responders are often at increased risk and have an ongoing chance of sharing that risk with those they come in contact...

COVID-19 Transmission FAQs Answered by Experts

With COVID levels at record highs it’s time to double down on protecting yourself, those you are responsible for and/or care about, from getting it. This paper answers vital questions with solid science. Scientists & engineers in this field have collected the evidence together to answer the questions many are asking – silently or out loud – and provide the proof for all to read. It is written for the general public & as a living document. One that's updated...

HHS/CDC SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination Plan for COVID-19

The HHS/CDC has reposted their Interim Vaccination Plan for the SARS-CoV-2 virus to prevent COVID-19.  This is a rapid rollout plan that is identified as interim because not all the specifics of a vaccine(s) is known.  There is a push to be ready to distribute the vaccine as soon as even emergency approval is given, with dates for beginning the vaccinations suggested for as soon as late October or early November.  The documents included in this post should assist in...

Latest Data on COVID-19 Mitigation On & Off Duty Resources & Links

There are a lot of recently published scientific & observational studies, editorials, viewpoints, and more about both medical and lay person PPE. This includes predominantly masks & respirators, but also other mitigation strategies that have been moved beyond ‘might this help?’ to ‘likely some benefit’. In some cases, recommendations from international and national organizations & agencies, as well as industry organizations, have been made. Below, are some links to some of those documents. All of them provide good information, but...

COVID-19 Guidance Resources for Law Enforcement Personnel

There is a lot of available information for Health Care Workers and EMS, but not very much for Law Enforcement who have several roles as part of their work that puts them at increased risk for being infected by COVID-19.  This document raises the awareness of that risk and offers a clearinghouse of resources specifically for Law Enforcement, First Responders/Public Safety.

New COVID-19 Resource Page on

A new COVID-19 resource page on provides easy to find links to the most relevant and up-to-date information from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), NHTSA Office of EMS and other Federal agencies involved in the response to the pandemic. This includes guidance for treating potential COVID-19 patients, information on PPE use and supplies and processes for handling healthcare providers who have been exposed to coronavirus.

Ryan White Act Expanded to Include COVID-19 Reporting

Executive Summary: For those Public Safety Agencies reporting an employee’s possible exposure, and expecting notification of a positive COVID-19 disease result from the hospital or public health officer, the expanded Ryan White Act of 2009 update has been published by NIOSH/CDC and will address this issue.  Furthermore, emergency response employees covered by the Act have been defined.  Full Report: The CDC/NIOSH has updated the Infectious Diseases and Circumstances Relevant to Notification of Emergency Response Employees: Implementation of Sec.2695 of the Ryan White...

National Institutes of Health (NIH) launches COVID-19 website for the workplace, including emergency responders

With new funding from Congress, the NIH has launched a website with training and educational resources for workers confronting COVID-19 in the workplace, including emergency first responders, hospital workers, and others at risk due to possible exposure to the virus via their work assignments. This training will be part of the already established Worker Training Program. Use this link for specifics about the COVID-19 training program and links to other training programs and resources. National Institutes of Health

Novel Coronavirus 2019-nCoV – What Public Safety/First Responders Can Do

What First Responders Can Do Feb-3-2020: The information in the attached PDF is designed to assist EMS and other First Responders, but may contain information not complete or applicable to a particular agency or situation.  All stakeholders should review pertinent national public health and WHO documents to ensure complete knowledge. Download the pdf