Keeping Your Employees Safe

EMS/First Responder Application of the CDC Measles Recommendations

The CDC has recently published a new document called Interim Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations Guidance for Measles in Healthcare Settings (7/19).  It is a comprehensive document aimed at a person who provides health care to individuals who may have measles.  It basically provides the framework to plan and develop policies and procedures for, as well as apply definitions and evidence-based care, to both a suspected or known case of measles. It further provides for the protection of First Responders...

Protecting from Heat Illness/Injury

Very hot temperatures seem to be a frequent topic in the news and as people discuss the weather.    Everyone who feels these temperatures can readily identify them and, when they are in the extremes, needs to take precautions when out in the weather.  Stay hydrated, wear light colored, natural or wicking fabrics, use hats, sunscreen and umbrellas; seek out shade.  Avoid being outside during the hottest part of the day; consider water or inside activities until the temperature has cooled...

Suicide Prevention for First Responders

For those who have seen the tragedy of first responder suicide up close, or heard about it, they know that suicide needs to be prevented at all costs. And, to prevent it, an agency and its individuals – all of them – need to be aware of the increased risks in this population, the causes, the early signs of an issue, and how to quickly intercede and get help for that individual(s).

First Responder Health & Safety Links

CDC / NIOSH Emergency Responders Resources including: • Safety Management • Bloodborne Infectious Disease • Personal Protective Equipment • Traumatic Incident Stress Safety Management: Bloodborne Infectious Disease: Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Incident Stress: Download the list of links

Detection & Management of Opioid Exposure for Public Safety Working Dogs

Although this subject is outside the usual scope of FirstWatch’s focus, it’s recognized that working service dogs that assist local, state and federal law enforcement and other agency partners (FBI, DEA, TSA, MPs, etc.), do so at great risk and deserve to be protected from harm. We are including links to this program which include assessment, treatment, and transport for further care of public safety working dogs who have been exposed to opiates and may need advanced care and possible reversal...