1st CDC Guidance for Those Fully Vaccinated Against COVID-19

1st CDC Guidance for Those Fully Vaccinated Against COVID-19

The CDC has issued its first Guidance for those who are considered fully vaccinated against COVID-19.  The definition of fully vaccinated depends on which vaccine was administered, but is two weeks after the final shot; so two weeks after shot #2 for mRNA vaccines Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna and two weeks after for the single shot adenovirus vaccine Janssen/J & J.  The CDC outlines what those that are fully vaccinated should do, and under what circumstances, while also outlining what should not be done at this point.  The plan is to issue new guidance as greater percentages of the population becomes fully vaccinated.

There is also information regarding some of the steps that still need to be taken when not among fully vaccinated people in small “known” groups with links to CDC material regarding those particular steps, and discussion about what groups may not be able to be fully protected, even with full vaccination due to immunocompromise for one reason or another.  Those groups are outlined with links to a couple of resources for more specifics.

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