Ebola Cases in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)

Ebola Cases in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)

The Ebola outbreak in the DRC Equateur Province in Mbandaka continues to produce new cases with a total of 74 known cases and 32 deaths.  There was only one new case reported on August 3 and no new deaths, but one new case and one new death reported on August 5 by the WHO African Regional Office.  

The current Outbreak is #11 and began in early June, just as Outbreak #10, in the Eastern DRC, was ending.

Outbreak #9, in the same area of the DRC as the current one, lasted from May 8 through July 24, 2018, and had a total of 54 cases and 33 deaths.

The Case Fatality Rate is dramatically different between Outbreak #9 and Outbreak #11, with #9 at 61% and the current one (#11) at a much improved 43%.

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