Ebola Cases in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)
The Ebola outbreak in the DRC Equateur Province in Mbandaka continues to produce new cases with a total of 74 known cases and 32 deaths. There was only one new case reported on August 3 and no new deaths, but one new case and one new death reported on August 5 by the WHO African Regional Office.
The current Outbreak is #11 and began in early June, just as Outbreak #10, in the Eastern DRC, was ending.
Outbreak #9, in the same area of the DRC as the current one, lasted from May 8 through July 24, 2018, and had a total of 54 cases and 33 deaths.
The Case Fatality Rate is dramatically different between Outbreak #9 and Outbreak #11, with #9 at 61% and the current one (#11) at a much improved 43%.
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