Webinar Recording: Introduction to AIMHI and The New Role of High Performance / High Value EMS – Part 1
We’re so excited to partner with The Academy of International Mobile Healthcare Integration (AIMHI) to bring you their first webinar introducing their rebranding (formerly the Coalition of Advanced Emergency Medical Systems (CAEMS)), that highlights high performance EMS systems’ focus to highlight the rapidly transforming role of EMS agencies across the United States and Canada. This first of its kind webinar will introduce the participants to AIMHI and its mission, and explain the concepts of High Performance EMS (HPEMS).
In this webinar you’ll hear from AIMHI members Doug Hooten, MedStar Mobile Healthcare, Kevin Smith, Niagara Emergency Medical Services, and Jonathan Washko, Center for EMS – Skyealth, Northwell Health.
The second webinar will be held January 18th – stay tuned for a link to register.