COVID-19 In the News Update
The available information about COVID-19 is updating/changing on a daily, if not hourly, basis. In an attempt to make this updated info available more quickly, this document provides a list, divided into topics, each with links and a synopsis of what each site represents. There are way too many available articles/sites to include them all, so these pages represent some of what I perceive are the best on the subject, at least at the moment selected.
Most of the sites also provide links to other sites or documents. This includes some news agencies that have science or medical writers that often beat official agencies to the release of information, often with links back to originating documents, which you can click on for more details. Topics covered in this list include: The Pandemic; COVID-19 Searchable Databases & Statistics; Vaccine Training, Guidance, and State & Territory Vaccine Programs; COVID-19 Vaccine; Still Needing to Prevent COVID-19 Exposure/Transmission; COVID-19 Variants; Mask Update; COVID-19 Testing and Antibodies & Immunity.