Webinar Recording: Make the Most of your TriTech CAD Data
TriTech and FirstWatch have worked closely together for more than a decade since their first integration in 2001. With over 60 shared customers across the U.S. & Canada, this webinar is aimed at maximizing the benefits of using both solutions together.
In this webinar you will discover how to get the most from your TriTech CAD data and how it can be integrated with other data sources to create powerful, actionable information… in near real-time on any device including your phone or tablet. You’ll learn from three FirstWatch and TriTech customers the different ways they use FirstWatch to monitor their TriTech CAD, and other data sources: Rick Black, Orange County Fire Rescue, Michaela Cherry, Charleston County Consolidated 911 Center, and Chad Henry, Contra Costa County EMS. To give you a bit of recap on what each presenter covered, please see the following:
Rick Black 4:24
Rick Black with Orange County Fire Rescue, a FirstWatch customer since 2014, shared how they use their FirstWatch tools on a daily basis for their compliance process (CFAI Accreditation), as a baseline determination tool, and for notifications and alerts. Rick also shared the Fire & EMS Turnout Time reports he briefs his team with every Monday, as well as their 90th Percentile Turnout Time Compliance Report (by Battalion, Station, Shift) that is used in their Monthly Briefings. A ProQA customer, OCFR has also been able to use the ProQA Dashboard to measure performance standards in the Communications Center.
Michaela Cherry 23:01
Michaela Cherry with Charleston County Consolidated 911, a FirstWatch customer since 2005, shared their story of using FirstWatch initially as a situational awareness tool for their Charleston County EMS teams, to transitioning to use FirstWatch for more trend-based and performance triggers when they became the Consolidated 911 Center. A big proponent of using FirstWatch Alerts, Michaela shared examples of free text triggers they use for certain incident types occurring within high profile geographical areas. Additionally, she shared their unique approach to capturing call-taking performance measures.
Chad Henry 37:46
Chad Henry with Contra Costa County EMS, a FirstWatch customer since 2007, began using FirstWatch for biosurveillance purposes, but has since evolved their FirstWatch system and found intrinsic value in using additional FirstWatch tools: Online Compliance Utility (OCU), Hospital Transport Status Dashboard, ProQA Dashboard, and FirstPass. Contra Costa County is also using FirstWatch within their High Utilizer/HIE Project to facilitate the transfer of data between the ePCR and the hospitals providing a more robust data view of patients from the time they entire the 911 system through Hospital ED Discharge with a heavy focus on patient outcomes.