International Webinar Discussion on Ebola
The seventh webinar held on Thursday November 4th included featured guest speakers, Battalion Chief Edward Bergamini and Captain Paul Miano of FDNY who shared with us their experience transporting Dr. Craig Spencer who returned from Africa, developed Ebola symptoms, and then cleared his 21 day monitoring.
The Paramedic Chiefs of Canada continued their weekly international webinar discussion open to any public safety agency led by representatives from our FirstWatch team. These webinars are presented in association with the International Association of EMS Chiefs (IAEMSC), the National EMS Management Association (NEMSMA), and the International Academies of Emergency Dispatch (IAED).
You can listen to a recording of the latest webinar here.
The aim of this weekly webinar is for folks to participate in an international Situation Report describing significant Ebola preparations for the upcoming week, contribute to discussions regarding their agencies work or experience in Ebola management so attendees can harvest best practices, and engage in a Q&A session to discuss any specific questions of interest to their agency.
For details on participating in the next webinar, visit the Paramedic Chiefs of Canada website to learn more.