Eastern Great Lakes Pediatric Consortium for Disaster Response Survey

Eastern Great Lakes Pediatric Consortium for Disaster Response Survey

Dear Colleague

There has never been a more important time to draw on real world experience to improve pediatric disaster readiness.

You are invited to participate in a short survey on pediatric disaster education.  This less than 20 minute survey is being conducted by the Eastern Great Lakes Pediatric Consortium for Disaster Response as part of the ASPR National Bioterrorism Hospital Preparedness Program #1U3REP190615-01-00.  Your responses will identify gaps in pediatric disaster education and training and will serve to inform future pediatric disaster education curriculum development.

Responses are based on your experience with disaster operations and coordinated efforts you are experiencing within your discipline and community. The link to the survey is below and you can contact Patricia Frost RN, PHN, MS, PNP at pfrostamis@gmail.com with any questions.

This survey is being widely distributed so if you have already completed this survey you do not need to complete it again.

Follow this link to the Survey:
Take the Survey Or copy and paste the URL below into your internet browser:

This survey will be open from June 1st through June 15th.

Thank you,

Deanna Dahl Grove, M.D.
Associate Professor
Pediatric Emergency Medicine
Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital

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