CPSE – FirstWatch Webinar: Fire Operations and Accreditation Monitoring and Reporting
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The FirstWatch Fire Operations Analytics/Accreditation Module (FOAM) is now well established as a leader in fire operations management information and Accreditation effort support. It continues to evolve, and we are excited to share some of our new geo-spatial reporting options. These enhancements increase your ability to analyze and present accurate and verifiable data that produce consistent and credible management information based upon the accreditation requirements of CFAI and from any combination of data sources that are required to report on the specific dimensions of importance to you.
Providing automated Annual Compliance Reports (ACR) allows your agency to allocate expensive resources to things other than data gathering and reporting. The flexibility of the module allows you to report on your operational performance consistent with your Standards of Coverage and/or Strategic Plans Document(s) at any level (Station, engine, Battalion) over any defined time period. The FirstWatch system provides Individual and Configurable dashboards using Interactive Data Visualization (IDV) with multiple windows of information.
A Report Suite of 10 Reports of Operational Performance enhances your public transparency while providing internal management tools. All reports are available as a traditional report or as a visual dashboard. All provided with maximum flexibility that allows you to report operational performance across any time period and for any geographic area by Apparatus, Equipment, Station, Battalion or District.

Operational reports include:
- Unit Hour Utilization
- Medical Transports or Transport Assists from FD Paramedics
- Annual Compliance Report
- Time Segment Analysis Graphs
- Turnout Time Analysis
- Geospatial Reporting and mapping by user defined layers
- Incident Count and Response Performance Report
- Exclusion tools and reports (allow you to manually exclude calls from data set and generates a report on all excluded calls and the reason for the exclusion)
- Station/Unit Reliability
- Demand Analysis (Heat Table for day of week and hour of day)
- Automated Herron Formula driven, three axis model that can be used for determination or confirmation of your risk categories and classifications based on agency impact, community consequence, and probability of incident.
All performance parameters are reported over time and data is applied to Statistical Process Control Charts to help your agency identify areas of common cause and special cause variation in your response systems.
Our experts will provide a live demonstration of FOAM and introduce you to an overview of a new option for data visualization that we are developing that provides added filtering and presentation options allowing you to ‘play with your data’ as much (or as little) as you chose to. Of course, we will also have an opportunity for Q&A.
Chris Carlson, FirstWatch Senior Product Manager
Chris is a former paramedic, firefighter, and Fire Chief, but In addition to his field experience, Chris has held a variety of leadership roles including serving as a Board Member of the League of California Cities and California Fire Chiefs Association, Chief Operations Officer at Transcare, and Vice President of Xerox Corporation. Chris holds both an MBA and Bachelor’s Degree from University of Redlands and an Executive Fire Officer Certification from the National Fire Academy. He has significant entrepreneurial and venture capital experience, working in a leadership role with two different financial services firms.
Daniel Brown, FirstWatch Product Solutions Owner
Daniel worked in the field as a volunteer firefighter, EMT, & Paramedic. He also worked in a Fire/EMS communications center as call-taker, radio-operator and shift supervisor. After 6 years in the field and communications he transitioned to the Local EMS Authority where he oversaw the EMS performance compliance for 4 counties, clinical performance reporting, 1st responder performance, and physical inspections of the EMS fleets within the 4 counties. After 13 years at the LEMSA he moved to southern California and has been at FirstWatch since 9/2015. His primary role at FirstWatch is solutions specialist specializing in reports.
Terry Fitch, FirstWatch Director of Sales
Terry joined the FirstWatch team in 2013 and at that point, brought with him over 37 years of his experience in public safety and sales. Terry began his sales experience after leaving AMR (Colorado) in 1995 learning a new trade at TriTech Software Systems in sales for over 17 years. Terry now leads the sales team as the FirstWatch Director of Sales.
Webinar Date: August 9, 2023 | Recording Available