In the News – Three Health Safety Alerts
Public Health Authorities in the United States have released two health safety alerts and Canadian Health Authorities have released one. All three have implications for First Responders, primarily EMS, but appropriate for others who may encounter these situations too. Each alert/advisory includes information about the alert, what EMS & First Responders can do to manage the situation, and a short list of Resources & Links for obtaining more complete information.
#1 is from the CDC, FDA, & the Southern Nevada Health District investigation into the Real Water Company’s Alkaline Water product and an association with multiple cases of Non-Viral Hepatitis in infants & children requiring hospitalization in specialized pediatric centers.
#2 is regarding 19 cases of Salmonella infection in 8 states, some requiring hospitalization and likely caused by contact with wild songbirds.
#3 is from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and is alerting everyone to excess level of the toxin amygdalin in several different products of imported apricot kernels. Once ingested, amygdalin is converted to cyanide. There have been no reported cases of poisonings but the products are still within date and the agency wants to spread the word about the risk.